Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sandeep Marwah Honours New Ambassador of Nepal

Relation between India and Nepal has always been special in many ways. Nepal culture has always
astonished India. A seminar, to develop and promote relation between the two countries India and Nepal, was organized at PHD Chamber of Commerce in association with Indo Nepal Film And Cultural Forum of ICMEI.

We are here to welcome H.E. Nilambar Acharya, the new Nepal Ambassador to India and express our concern towards Nepal in different fields. Nepal Forum has recently been created in PHD,” said Ambassador K. V Rajan “conducting the program.

H.E. Nilambar Acharya Ambassador of Nepal to India thanking the large participation of delegates said
“I am thrilled by the presence of two forums who have deep interest in Nepal. It has motivated me to go out of way to promote our relation now in many new fields. We can touch those departments also where we have nor started yet.” 

“We are lucky that Indo Nepal Films And Cultural Forum was suggested and inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Nepal H.E. K.P. Sharma Oli way back in 2016,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chairman ICMEI and PHD Culture Committee.

The Prime Minister of Nepal also nominated Sandeep Marwah as the Chair for INFCF. It all started when Raj Kishor Yadav, Minister of Information and Communications, Government of Nepal invited Marwah in 2012, it continued with Krishna Prasad Dhakal Deputy Chief of Nepal to India.

Then, Nepal participated in all the 17 international conferences organized by International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry in last 5 years. The participation of H.E. Deep Kumar Upadhayay Ambassador of Nepal to India along with the presence of most famous actors Sunil Thapa and Karishma Manandhar at Marwah Studios at the First Film Festival of Nepali Films in India was well appreciated, informed Sandeep Marwah.

Later, Sandeep Marwah honored the Ambassador with memento. Anil Khaitan Past President PHDCCI presided over the function. Bharat Kumar Regmi Deputy Chief of the Mission, Krishna Hari Pukar Minister Economics, Dev Doot Dhakal Third Secretary were also present there.

Friday, March 29, 2019

First Bosnian Film Festival Inaugurated at Marwah Studios

Marwah Studios Inaugurates the First Bosnian Film Festival 

Spreading Love through Art and Culture has always been the key motive of AAFT Marwah Studios. This time it was through Bosnian Film Festival organised by Dr. Sandeep Marwah, president of Asian Academy of Films and Television.

Three days festival of Films from Bosnia And Herzegovina was inaugurated at Marwah Studios at Noida Film City with great pomp and show to mark the Film Fest.The event started with the lighting of ceremonial lamp by Lt. General K.M. Seth former Governor of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Tripura who congratulated Embassy of Bosnia And Herzegovina for opting the best venue– Marwah Studios for the first festival of Bosnian Films.

On the occasion Lt. Gen. K. M. Seth said ”I am aware that Bosnia produces 5 to 6 films in a year but every film is a piece of art,” and that is what Marwah studio spreads and believes in right?  While addressing the fest Dr. Sandeep Marwah said“Under Indo Bosnian Film And Cultural Forum It was decided at International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry to have a festival of films in association with AAFT University of Media And Arts and invite people from film, television, media art and culture fraternity. Bosnian films have brought many accolades in different international festivals,”

The festival started with The perfect Circle, 1997 directed by Ademir Kenovic and will also showcase Walter Defends Sarajevo, 1972 directed by Hajrudin Kravac, Fuse (Gori Vatra), 2003 directed by Pjer Zalica, An Episode in the Life of Iron Picker, 2013 directed by Danis Tanovic, Mom (Sa Mamom), 2014 directed by Faruk Loncarevic and Never Leave Me, 2017 by Aida Begic Zubcevic.

“We have brought best six films with two most popular film directors from Bosnia to interact with Indian audience. We all are witness to history as this is the first film festival of Bosnian films in India. Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina is thankful to ICMEI and Indo Bosnia Film And Cultural Forum for taking initiative in organising this festival,” said H.E. Muhamed Cengic Ambassador of Bosnia And Herzegovina to India.

“Bosnian Films may not be big in numbers but they have been part of Academy Awards in USA and Cannes film Festival in France. We have pre war movies and post war movies,” explained Farouk Loncarevic renowned film director from Bosnia.

“Film is my passion and I am teaching films too. Opening of the festival in film University is a wonderful idea. We have the right audience for the films,” added Aida Begic screen play writer and film director from Bosnia.

Later Dr. Kcalpana Bhushan renowned Bharatha Natyam exponent presented a dance recital and Dr. Sandeep Marwah presented the life membership of International Film And Television Club of Asian Academy of Film And Television to the distinguished guests and membership of Indo Bosnian Film And Cultural Forum to other members.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Beauty is from Heart and Nature- Sandeep Marwah

Beauty of a person can never be described by his dressing, it comes from within. The Nature is reflection of your inner beauty and we should always try to maintain it.
Gurugram: A Beauty pageant where famous fashion icons came to showcase their work ant talent. It was a huge honour that Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chancellor of AAFT University and president of ICMEI was the Chief Guest for the Occasion.

“What a pleasure to see so many young ladies who all are entitled for awards for their deep interest in cultural activities and making this event strong with their colorful dresses and different sense of presentation, I congratulate Juhi and Mrs Bhatia for organizing this program,” said Dr. Marwah at Florence Club at Gurugram.

He added addressing to artists, models, and many creative people present there with their families to receive their awards that“The reality is that beauty comes from within you need to be a good human being. Your nature should be a helping one and you should go out of way to support people, which will be considered as act of beauty. Lets work hard to make India a better place to live in,” 

Ricardo A Berna Charge d’ Affairs Embassy of Panama in India was the guest of honour for the event. Sandeep Ahluwalia had choreographed the event, Dr. Manorath Khuller, Dr. Varun Katyal were also present to embrace the show.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

World Wildlife Day Observed at AAFT

Wildlife is crucial part of evolution of species through the ages and centuries to come and it cannot be completed without Wildlife as it keeps the Life Cycle evolving.

Noida: Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chairman of AAFT university and president of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment industry has been a patron to IFUNA i.e Indian Federation of United Nation Association and also an integral part of Information centre's activities celebrates the World Wildlife day at Marwah Studios, Film City, Noida with great zeal.

Present on the occasion Ambassador of Bosnia And Herzegovina Muhamed Cengic, renowned Kathak Dancer Guru Kalpana Bhushan and popular spiritual and Ayurveda leader Yogi Dr.Dushyant released the poster as a part of moral responsibility of every one to protect wild life on this mother earth.

H.E. Muhamed Cengic Ambassador of Bosnia who was also present at the occasion said “I am very much concerned about the quality of life we are spending on this earth. We will loose the charm if there is no wild life,” and spread some words of awareness on the occasion.

President of Marwah Studios, Dr.Sandeep Marwah informed that “We have added Wild life photography as a part of the course here in Asian Academy. We are trying to propagate   the same thinking through our radio station Radio Noida 107.4 FM and television station MSTV,” The event was also sponsored by ICMEI.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Strong Determination can overcome all Problems.

Sixth International conference on issues and challenges of VUCA was organised by Asian Business School. 

Noida: Sixth International conference on Issues   and Challenges of VUCA was organized by Asian Business School at Marwah Studios Complex to bring in awareness among the students. 
VUCA is an acronym — to describe or to reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations; drawing on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus.

Large number of speakers from all over India expressed themselves on the subject and discussed many personal and official issues in detail to overcome business problems through case studies.

Prof Dr Rakesh K. Khandal, Richard Rekhy, Dilip Chenoy along with Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Dr. Lalitya Srivastava inaugurated the full day sessions.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, chancellor of AAFT University of Art and Culture said on the occasion that “These elements present the context in which organizations view their current and future state. They present boundaries for planning and policy management. They come together in ways that either confound decisions or sharpen the capacity to look ahead, plan ahead and move ahead. VUCA sets the stage for managing and leading. But the fact is that strong determination can overcome all the hindrances,” 

Prof. Sudhir K. Jain Professor and Ex-Head- Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi,  Muniinder Anand (Managing Director-India and South Asia – Centre for Creative Leadership),  Charandeep David Head – L&D OYO Rooms and Prof. Kartik Dave (Professor & Dean School of Business, Public Policy & Social Entrepreneurship Ambedkar University, New Delhi were the distinguished personas for the occasion.

Monday, March 18, 2019

National Day of Kuwait celebrated at Marwah Studios

Dr. Sandeep Marwah congratulates Kuwait on its National Day on behalf of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) for its future prospects.

Noida: “I on my behalf and on behalf of media and entertainment Industry of India extend heartiest congratulations to the people of Kuwait on the national day which falls on 25th February,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios.

“India and Kuwait have wonderful relations from last so many years. Still the country has to create a better platform in India as far as art and culture is concerned. ICMEI putting its best to do the needful,” added Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.

A letter-containing message of congratulation was sent to the Ambassador of Kuwait. Soon ICMEI will request the Ambassador of Kuwait to India to formally inaugurate the committee on Kuwait at ICMEI. A poster was launched at Marwah studios to high light the relation between India and Kuwait.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

AAFT celebrated national day of Estonia

Noida: International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry extends congratulations to the people of Estonia on the National day of Estonia, which falls on 24th February.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah while releasing the poster on national day to mark respect to the auspicious day. said that “We all extend our best wishes to the people of Estonia on their national day. We wish India and Estonia should do great business in the coming years". 

The first person from Estonia to visit India at the end of the 17th century was the cleric Eberhard Eckhold (Eckholz) who was born in Tallinn and had studied in the Academia Gustaviana of Tartu.
The first Estonian textbooks to mention India were written by Georg Gottfried Marpurg (1805) and Karl Ernst Berg (1811). 

The first Estonian publication to arrive in India was Pühhapäiwa Wahhe-luggemissed of Otto Wilhelm Masing (1818). The book contained a hundred-page description of the nature and society of India. Sanskrit language publications were printed at the University of Tartu.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

International day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation Observed at Marwah Studios

Marwah Studios Observed Zero Tolerance day against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

First i would like to tell you what female genital mutilation is, FGM is a ritual which is practised in eastern parts of the world like South Africa, Asia and Middle East. Female Genital Mutilation is cutting or removing some or all of the female genitalia by usually a blade which affects the health of a women adversely and results in immature menstrual cycle, problem in urination and can cause severe problems during pregnancy. Most of the Genital Mutilation happens before a girl reaches age 5 or till puberty.

Noida: Asian Academy of Films and Television, Marwah Studios released a poster to observe International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation by dignities like Dr. Deepak Narwal and Sameer Zaka from United Kingdom, Ashwani Dhaul from USA, Dr. Wilhelm Zoltan and Viktor Toth from Hungary in the event designed by International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry at AAFT.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, president of Asian Education Group and International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry informed that “About 120 to 140 million women have been subject to FGM and 3 million girls are at risk each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). FGM relates to all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. This practice is an abuse of human rights and causes serious health complications, including fatal bleeding"

Dr. Sandeep Marwah has been Ambassador of International Human Rights Organization affiliated to United Nations and now nominated as Parton to IFUNA- Indian Federation of United Nations Federation. 
This practise or ritual is very risky and dangerous in terms of Women Safety and hygiene. It should be stopped as soon as possible to avoid any kind of irresponsible causality and risk to life.

Friday, March 15, 2019

National Security Day observed at AAFT

Security can never be compromised on any type of Grounds, the forces under whom we feel secure plays a vital role for any country. Hence a day for them is a must.

Noida: Marwah studios Observed National Security day on March 4th 2019. March 4 is observed as National Security Day to praise the work of security forces, who plays a major role in maintaining peace and security of the people in India. The day is also known as Rashtriya Suraksha Diwas. This day is dedicated to all the security forces such as policemen, commandos, guards, army officers, para-military forces and other persons involved in security, who sacrifice their life for maintaining the stability of the country.

 On the occasion President of Marwah Studio and International Chamber of Media and Entertainment said “We salute all our security forces for their sincere contribution in maintaining peace in the country and at the borders of the Nation. This contribution cannot be compared to any other sacrifice other men are doing for the nation”.

A poster was released by the Mercedes Gil Juscamaita Deputy Chief of the Mission and Charged Affairs of Embassy of Peru in India during the event.Dr. Sandeep Marwah had been in Para Military force for 9 years and rose to the level of District Commandant in Delhi Home Guards
He won many accolades from forces and Ministry of Home Affairs, conducted 8 National Parades, been a part of   26th January Parade and had been adjudged as best turnout officer for 8 years, informed Haripriya Thakur to the audience.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

ICMEI presented AAFT scholarship to ambassador of Hungary.

New Delhi: Scholarship of AAFT for a short-term course in media was presented to H.E. Gyula Pethő Ambassador of Hungary to India under Indo Hungarian Film Association of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.

“We are pleased to handover a scholarship for the deserving student from Hungary to be nominated by the Embassy of Hungary to study cinema in India. AAFT has already attracted students from many countries abroad,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Asian Education Group.

H.E. Gyula Pethő Ambassador of Hungary to India replied to the gesture by saying “I on behalf of Embassy of Hungary extend my heartiest thanks for the lovely gesture extended by ICMEI and Dr. Marwah. We know that you are friends of Hungary and ample has been done together to promote art and culture. We expect that this friendship will grow to new level” .

Ashok Tyagi Secretary General ICMEI, Dr. Zoltan Wilhelm Counsellor and Director of Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre and Dr. Hilda Farkas who is a Counsellor Science and Technology attended the meeting.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Marwah Studio Celebrates its 28 years

28th Anniversary of Marwah Studio Celebrated.

New Delhi: The first professional film studio of north India was inaugurated on 10th March 1991. Large number of film personalities were present there to give their best wishes to this new venture of India. Marwah Studios has been the promoter of Noida Film City.

In a span of 28 years of film, television and media business Marwah Studios has churned out 4500 television programs for more than 50 channels, has been associated with more than 150 feature films in 8 different languages, around 5000 training films has been produced from this campus.

Krishna Raj Kapoor, Shammi Kapoor, Surinder Kapoor, Nirmal Kapoor, Boney Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor, Pradeep Sharma, Padmini Kolapur, Ashok Thakaria, Poonam Dhillion, Shilpa Srirohdkar, Madhuri Dixit, Prem Chopra, Rakesh Roshan, Rakesh Nath, Bina Banerjee, Inder Kumar and many other known personalities were present there.

Marwah Films And Video Production has produced around 2500 short films and given opportunity to more than 10,000 filmmakers from more than 100 countries of the World. Marwah studio is the promoter of 100 film, television, media, art and cultural organizations and has reached 145 countries of the World. The studio has alone attracted largest number of celebrities and around 1.2 million people to Noida Film City under Film Tourism.

On the occasion of 28th Anniversary, the president of Marwah Studio, Dr. Sandeep Marwah pleasantly motivated everyone and said “I am thankful to each and every one who all have supported me, Mohit Marwah and Akshay Marwah and our ventures from all over the World in all these 28 years of business. We will leave no stone unturned to make Noida Film City the most happening place in the World”

Marwah Studios has its own news paper, a radio station, a television station, a news agency, a research centre, a film club, a film production company, a television production company, an event management setup, an advertising setup, a publishing house, a sports center, a wing for social activities etc.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Sandeep Marwah shares ideas with Cherie Blair

Mumbai: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah studios, Film City, Noida visited Cherie Blair, wife of Tom Blair the then Prime Minister of UK, who herself is also a lecturer and renowned writer invited Dr. Marwah to be a part of an Charity Dinner of Loords Lamba.

On the occasion Sandeep sir acclaimed that “Pleased to be a part of the Charity Gala Dinner organised by The Lord Raj Loomba CBE, Founder and Chairman Trustee, President Mrs. Cherie Blair QC CBE and the Trustees of the Loomba Foundation with Honorable Union Minister of Commerce, Industry & Civil Aviation, Suresh Prabhu Ji and Dr. Rajinder Singh Chadha", Chancellor of AAFT University of Media And Arts while attending the event at Taj Lands End Hotel, Mumbai.

It was in his mother’s memory that Loomba set up his charity, The Loomba Foundation, which works to raise awareness of the issue of widowhood and which raises funds to educate the children of poor widows in India and empower widows in other developing countries in south Asia and across Africa. The flagship of the charity’s awareness campaign is International Widows Day, which takes place annually on 23 June.

Sandeep Marwah briefed Cherie Blair about the different social activities of Marwah Studios and Asian Education Group and invited her to be the guest of honour at one of the programs.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Sandeep Marwah Invited by Great Siddhashram Shakti Centre

Spiritual leaders H.H. RajRajeshwar Guru Ji invited Dr. Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios.

Spirituality knows no bonds and Dr. Sandeep Marwah was no such exception to the occasion.

London: The renowned Spiritual leaders H.H. RajRajeshwar Guru Ji invited Dr. Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios to International Siddhashram Shakti Centre at Harrow, London, UK.

RajRajeshwar honored Sandeep Marwah in the traditional Indian style and was given an opportunity to visit Hindu Temple based in the Church in Harrow. “We welcome you Dr. Marwah to this great spiritual place, a home away from home where we celebrate all Indian festivals sitting back in London. Harrow has the largest number of   people of Indian origin, we have kept the Indian flag flying in UK,” said H.H. Rajrajeshwar head of the trust.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah president of International Chamber of Media Studies which also believes in spreading love through Art and Culture said that “I am pleased to see Indian flag along with the British Flag on the office of the Association. I think this is the real centre developing and promoting Indian culture in UK”. He congratulated H.H. RajRajeshwar for his efforts.

International Siddhashram Shakti Centre (ISSC) founded by His Holiness Shri RajRajeshwar Guruji (Internationally renowned Spiritual Leader) with blessings from his Satgurudev Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand ji.

Friday, March 8, 2019

ICMEI will work together with Kuwait

Can't Say About Trade relations but ICMEI surely has good cultural relation with Kuwait.

New Delhi: The President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry Dr. Sandeep Marwah Visited the Embassy of Kuwait on the invitation of H.E. Mr Sami Mohammad Al-Sulaiman Ambassador of Kuwait to India.

On giving views about the cultural bond which they believe in sharing for Dr. Sandeep Marwah said offering permanent membership of the Chamber to  the Ambassador.“We extend our partnership to the country of Kuwait and would love to enhance our relationship through cultural diplomacy. We have always believed that art and culture can play better and bigger role  in bringing people of two countries together”.

“We will soon be launching Indo Kuwait Film And Cultural Forum and will take our relationship to new level. It is important for people of both the countries to know each other better,” said H.E. Mr Sami Mohammad Al-Sulaiman Ambassador of Kuwait to India which indeed was a great step in taking both the cultures forward.

 Ashok Tyagi Secretary General of ICMEI added that Kuwait is a constitutional sovereign state with a semi-democratic political system. Kuwait has a high-income economy backed by the world’s sixth largest oil reserves. 

According to the World Bank, the country has the fourth highest per capital income. The Constitution was promulgated in 1962. Kuwait is home to the largest opera house in the Middle East. The Kuwait National Cultural District is a member of the Global Cultural Districts Network.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sandeep Marwah takes the 5th World Record Under his name.

Sandeep Marwah bags another World Record, this time its Vijra World Record for his Achievement.

Noida: The fifth World Record of renowned International media personality Dr. Sandeep Marwah got registered with Vajra Book of Records recently for his amazing achievement for his hard work which pays off after 25 years.

“The 5th World Record in Media is that Sandeep Marwah is the only Director of a film school for 25 years and has trained 15000 media professionals from 120 countries of the World. He has Designed 55 Different courses from 3 months to 3 years from certificate to Degree”, told Rajiv Mathur who is the director of International Chamber of Media Studies.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios after receiving the award said "I am humbled to receive the good news of registration of my 5th World Record with Vajra Book of Records. The credit goes to each and every member of Marwah Studios for their untiring contribution and seriously working hard towards my goal and mission”. He has high aims and still working hard to achieve his aims which will consequently be delivered with time. 

Vajra world records are the Indian equivalent to the Guinness Book of World Records with emphasis on unique achievements of Indians within the country and abroad. It’s a salute to all those Indians who want to do something different and be remembered for their distinctive deeds.

It was another great achievement added to Dr. Marwah's bundle of achievements in life, this being his 5th world record.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sandeep Marwah at Book Release at Ghana High Commision


Book has always fascinated many people and will keep on fascinating as the world goes on.
New Delhi: A book named ‘Go Back to Nature & Heal Your Self’ was launched  at the Ghana High Commission in New Delhi by Gurdip Hari. The Book release was done in the presence of HE Michael A.N.N. Oquaye Jr the Ghana High Commissioner to India and Sandeep Marwah Director Asian Academy of Film & Television.

Gurdip Hari, the author of the book is an an Indian-Ghananian entrepreneur turned author. He is a man on a mission to help his fellow traveller on Earth find true eternal success in every area of their lives by transforming their health. He wants people to have a peaceful and successful life. In this book he talks about self-healing, personal and timeless universal secrets on how to reach the heights of success and prosperity, and live a fulfilled, healthy and happy life.

H.E. Michael A.A. Oquaye High Commissioner of Ghana to India acknowledged the book well and said “This book takes the readers back in time to help connect them with their innermost core, and see the magnificence of their real personality and the supernatural powers that are an integral part of them.”

Dr. Sandeep Marwah who himself has a fascination for reading books and has a wide well of Knowledge presented his views on the book and said “I am pleased to be here at this important event, It is very important to understand who we are and what we are leading to. This book is a wonderful reminder to all of us,”. His gesture was very delightful and pleasing.

The Book Launch happened in presence of these amazing personalities turned out to be a successful approach towards the next level life. Go Back to the Nature and heal yourself.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sandeep Marwah Special Guest At HCBC Interaction.

Sandeep Marwah Special Guest At HCBC Interaction.

New Delhi:Indo American Chamber of Commerce i.e IACC with HSBC and Kochhar & Co. invited Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Founder of International Chambers Of Media and entertainment Industry to an interactive session on “Navigating the US Market from Banking & Investment perspective” and also overview of the Indian legal/regulatory landscape for overseas investments and borrowing at PHD Auditorium.
In the session the message was“ We are looking for some wonderful and easy solutions to invest in America and also open to bring in American investment to India. The interaction will help members of IACC to move further in their business,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah also Chairperson for Education and Media & Entertainment Committee of IACC.
Some renowned people from the sector attended this interactive session of navigating the US Market and Banking sectors to India. Among them were Wayne Gilmore Senior Commercial Direct Manager – Southeast at HSBC Commercial Banking, Abhilekh Verma Senior Partner at Kochhar & Co., Aseem Chawla President IACC North India Chapter, Aruna Sethi Vice President IACC North India Chapter, Jaideep S Kalra Senior Officer of HSBC.
It became a successful interaction among the personalities and the session was hence commenced on a good note.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sandeep Marwah Wished A Bright Year at Calendar Launch

Calendar Launch of 2019 At Marwah Studios by Dr.Sandeep Marwah

New Delhi: Sandeep Marwah, President of Asian Education Group and International chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry launched the calendar for the year 2019-20 In Marwah Studios Film City, Noida.

 He said “I extend my best wishes to every one on the beginning of     auspicious New Year. May 2019 brings lots of luck and power to fulfill every ones every need and wishes,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios at the launching of New Year Calendar at Hotel Royal Plaza at Connaught Place.

“We are proud to say that Dr. Sandeep Marwah has been nominated by 50 different Governments of different countries as their brand Ambassador, or Cultural Ambassador or as the Chairperson of forum to promote and develop relation between the two countries. We also wish him that he should continue as Global Cultural Minister,” said Dr. Vasundra Kaushik Promoter Health Queen India inviting Marwah to release the first calendar.

Large number of people from the art and culture fraternity, fashion, media and business community were present on the occasion to support the cause of Women’s Empowerment. Anjali Diet Clinic & Yoga Centre designed the calendar.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Marigold Story:- The new book in town.

Book Release of well known writer and journalist Kumkum Chadha, The Marigold Story released today on 2nd March 2019.

New Delhi: Kumkum Chadha released her new book 'The Marigold Story' in India International Centre in New Delhi. Kumkum Chadha studied at Lady Shri Ram college from where she did her masters in English literature. After a short course in journalism she joined Hindustan Times Group where she continues to work. During the thirty odd years at Hindustan Times, Kumkum worked in different editorial positions including Editor National News. She is a popular blogger.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, president of Asian Education group on International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry received the first copy of the book. Sandeep Marwah after receiving the master piece said “It was a great pleasure to be present on such an important event where writer of the book is the hero of the day. It gives me enough confidence to promote the course in script and screen play writing at AAFT,”

She has written a series of books where the third book The Ten Year File is a collection of some of Kumkum’s remarkable writings between 1982 to 1992. Here Kumkum mirrors the goings-on in Indian politics through in-depth stories and interviews with eminent leaders. She has used her vast experience as a journalist to explain the ground conditions.

Kumkum Chadha has specialised in political reporting apart from reporting on crime and gender issues. She published her first book The Crucifixion: Interviews Where leaders nail themselves. This is a collection of her widely read interviews.Crime reporting, on the other hand, drew her attention to the horrible conditions prevailing in Indian jails. This led to an in-depth study for her second book The Indian Jail: A contemporary document.
During the launch Kumkum was pleased with the kind gesture of people present there and the love showed for her masterpiece writing. She exclaimed “I am humbled by the presence of all the important people I invited for the book release,” and hence the event and book release was successful and happy going.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Farewell to Al Amin Yusuph of UNESCO at IIC

New Delhi: A farewell was organised to bid goodbye to Al Amin Yusuf of UNESCO by United Nation Association.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah from International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry,Suresh Srivastava Secretary General of IFUNA, Satish Kapoor of WECARE and Deepak Parvatiyar Media Advisor to IFUNA also witnessed the farewell.It took place by India International Centre by IFUNA India federation. 

Al-Amin Yusuf has worked for includes the British Council, CIDA and UNESCO. Al-Amin has also worked as a Board Member for the School of Librarianship and Documentation Studies and the Tanzania Media Foundation.

Sandeep Marwah, also the Ambassador of Human Right Association Patron of IFUNA and President of World Peace Development and Research Foundation, appreciated Al-Amin and said “Al Amin Yusuph has been an Information and Knowledge Management Expert with more than 20 years experience in knowledge and Information Management, Media Development and use of new media for development accumulated at a national and international level,” 

The farewell ended on a good note and Al-Amin thanked everyone for their presence and kind gesture.